Technical felts and specialities

In the indutrial field, quality and service are the most important features. That is why Laoureux keep a huge stock of felt in various specs ready to be shiped upon customer demand.

En savoir plus sur les feutres techniques


Decoration felts

A noble material par excellence, wool felt is used since ever by the most famous luxury brands for its rewarding and confortable aspect but also now for its natural properties... Our felts are made of 100% merinos wool fibers coming from South Africa, the finest and the softest used for this application.

En savoir plus sur les feutres teints


Piano felts

Well known all over the world for its quality and service, Laoureux company is one of the leadest felt manufacturer for piano industry. Thru our range, piano manufacturers and piano parts resellers could find the pieces they need dfor producing or repair high quality pianos.

En savoir plus sur les feutres piano